Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Counting Down

Alas, one more thing to do rather than homework- I'll update my blog! With only a few weeks left of school I'm in total "senioritis" mode. Combine that with my teams that are realizing that deadlines do in fact exist beyond the syllabus, it's been a whirlwind of studying, emailing, planning, and willing time to just..move..a little...faster.

The Parkway Half marathon and 5K is coming up on Saturday. Since I've been working on my running technique & fixing my injuries, I'm hoping for a faster time as a result. If not for this race, hopefully by the time Rock N Roll Seattle comes around at the end of June. A PR is in my sights either way. With school wrapping up, running will definitely take more of a priority.

Feeling inspired, I started a meetup group a couple of weeks ago. It's the Sacramento "Back of the Pack" runners, geared towards those of us who are little slower, and don't always want to run alone as we watch our faster comrades pass us on the trail. So far lots of members have signed up, alas, only 2 showed up to the first one on Sunday. It was only the first one so I can't complain.

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