Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Time Flies

My consistency is lacking in the writing of my running exploits...wish I had better things to write about but most things good and happy have to start from somewhere less so. The last few months have generally sucked, running-wise. As such, my priority this year is going to be to run pain free and I think I'm finally on the right track (haha, no pun intended).

Starting last week I started receiving treatments at Elite Spinal and Sports Care and am feeling rather hopeful that I will actually be able to run without pain in the near future. After attempting the standard treatments - ice, rest, stretching - I realized that my efforts were futile when the doctor revealed that my right leg is slightly shorter than the other. Eureka! this explains everything! all of my running issues - IT Band, shin splints, knee pain - have been on my right side.

Now all I have to do is endure some rather uncomfortable, dare I say painful, treatments (A.R.T & today the Graston technique was utilized) as I try to learn how to walk, and run, all over again (it's not as easy as it sounds, believe me). All I can say is this: If you have unexplained pain(s) during running that don't seem to respond to standard treatments, new shoes, etc, I highly recommend finding someone who works with runners and certified in A.R.T. (Active Release Technique) who knows that simply "not running" is "not an option."

On that note, my goal of running a half marathon in May will probably have to wait but at least I know when I do run another race, I won't be running in pain.

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